Leveraging History in Policymaking: Insights, Challenges, and Innovations

Policies do not exist in isolation. They are shaped and influenced by historical events and various social, economic, and political factors. History enables policymakers to gain insights into the origins and historical evolution of a problem. Through a careful study of history, policymakers can uncover the underlying causes and long-term patterns of a given issue. For instance, an examination of youth unemployment in Greece revealed that its roots extend back to a time before statistical records from the 1980s and 1990s. Historical research showed that emigration was a viable solution during the 1950s and 1960s when other countries absorbed the surplus of young Greek workers. However, this option ceased to be feasible in the 1980s.

A similar situation is emerging in Punjab, India. Emigration of unskilled/semi-skilled rural youth is no longer a viable option, as it was in the 1950s and 1960s. More and more countries are now seeking skilled and educated workers. Therefore, there is a need to upgrade the education and skills of Punjabi youth to align with the changing international labour market. Through historical analysis, policymakers can better understand the problem’s trajectory and the factors influencing its evolution.

Cliometrics, a form of historical research based on quantitative data and econometric techniques, enables policymakers to analyse historical information and evaluate past policy implementations. By examining historical data, policymakers can gain insights into the effectiveness and outcomes of previous policies. For example, policymakers obtained valuable empirical evidence by studying 19th-century U.S. nominal wage data or the success of economic sanctions using data from 1914. Such historical analysis has helped policymakers design and evaluate policy alternatives based on lessons learned from the past. Similarly, studying the historical outcomes of healthcare reforms in different countries can provide valuable insights into the potential impacts and challenges of implementing similar policies in the current context.

Moreover, history is a rich source of ideas and inspiration for policy formulation. By studying historical cases, policymakers can expand their repertoire of ideas and identify potential solutions to contemporary policy problems. While it may not dictate policy choices, history enriches the policymaker’s understanding, providing valuable information for informed and pragmatic policymaking. The history of the Green Revolution’s success in Punjab, India, offers knowledge and information for future policies. The policymakers should, however, be mindful of its sustainability concerns in original green revolution areas.

When utilising historical ideas, policymakers must exercise caution and respect two fundamental principles: the principle of historical analogy and spatial analogy. The historical analogy underscores the importance of understanding the specific historical circumstances that led to the success or failure of a past policy intervention. Dismissing an idea based solely on its historical association without considering its context can hinder innovative policymaking. Similarly, the principle of spatial analogy highlights the need to consider the geographic dimension and local context when applying historical ideas to different regions or countries. What worked in one place or time may not necessarily be applicable elsewhere. Policymakers should exercise caution and thoroughly analyse historical and spatial analogies to ensure informed decision-making without stifling innovation.

The application of history in policymaking should extend beyond academia, with governments establishing history offices or engaging historians within ministries to investigate historical analogies of ideas in addressing contemporary policy issues. In the UK, history is utilised for policymaking in three different ways. First, the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO) employs a team of professional historians who provide internal advice to ministers, publish external papers, and coordinate historical research on behalf of the FCDO. They have been in existence for many years and are highly regarded. Their mission statement is: “The FCDO Historians provide a long-term, policy-relevant perspective on international issues and contribute to the collective knowledge and understanding of the FCDO and British foreign & development policy.” The second method of accessing historical advice is through established academic units that can provide rapid guidance on policy issues with historical precedents. One such academic body widely used by the UK Cabinet Office and other departments is “History and Policy” (H&P), established in 2002. Its mission statement is: “H&P promotes better public policy through a greater understanding of history. H&P is a national network of 500+ academic historians and an independent forum for expressing historical perspectives on today’s policy issues.” The third way of accessing historical perspectives is by convening groups of eminent historians at short notice to meet with ministers and advise on historical aspects of current problems. In India, historians are rarely involved in policymaking despite their availability within governments and academia. There is no institutionalised system in this regard. 

History can contribute to fostering a sense of corporate memory and identity, promoting a shared understanding of the past and its relevance to the present. It should be an additional input for policy design and evaluation without hindering or discouraging innovations and ideas emerging from new technologies and data science.

Reflecting on the intersection of history and policymaking, it becomes evident that historical research can provide policymakers with a wealth of knowledge and insights. Studying history can help policymakers identify the historical roots of contemporary issues, use historical data to evaluate policy outcomes, and draw inspiration from past ideas. However, historians should strive to make history a more meaningful input for policy design and evaluation, bridging the gap between academic research and practical policymaking through a collaborative approach. By leveraging the discipline of history in the policymaking process, policymakers can enhance their understanding of complex problems, design effective policies, and contribute to sustainable and informed decision-making.

Some policymakers believe that the application of history or historical knowledge impedes innovation and the application of new ideas. However, the historical precedents should be applied by policymakers after further research and critical thinking. History provides data and evidence that may not always be directly applicable unless contextualised.

The use of data and evidence in policy-making in India has not been as intensive as it should have been and is often met with skepticism by the political executive and civil servants. They may view past evidence with suspicion and as a product of previous political thought. While this argument holds some validity, it is not always correct. Data and evidence should be viewed objectively, without attachment to past legacies, and within the contexts in which previous policies were framed and implemented. Blind and unverified use of data, evidence, and technology may not yield results even if based on historical knowledge. Application of knowledge and expertise coupled with historical evidence in a context should be an exercise of prudence rather than mere replication.

History can play a crucial role in policymaking by providing valuable insights, lessons, and context for decision-makers. It enables tracing of the issues over time by analysing historical data and evidence, enhancing the policymaker’s understanding of the origin and duration of a problem. Historical data leads to evidence-based solutions with an objective evaluation of past experiences. History is also a source of ideas and inspiration for formulating new policies. However, efforts to engage historians in policymaking in most countries are not as intense as they should be.

About Suresh Kumar

Mr Suresh Kumar was the Chief Principal Secretary to Chief Minister of Punjab from 2017 to 2021. Mr Kumaaar joined the Pujab cadre of the Indian Administrative Service, Govt of India in 1983. He has held positions at various level in the Federal and Provincial Government to implement and manage reforms, business process re-engineering and pro-poor development programs during. Mr. Kumar has more than 30+ years of core experience in public policy, planning, public administration and governance and program implementation in the State of Punjab, India.

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